2016/03/31 Microsoft Cloud Solutions 2802 visit(s)
Ctelecoms is very excited to announce Excel’s 6 newly designed functions, made to help you guys transcend the boring and tiresome job of building custom features to accomplish your common calculations tasks!
Excel has followed-up on your feedback and hence, selected the top six. However- this is only the beginning! Excel team promise to continue impressing Office 365 subscribers with fantastic updates and new enhancements, so keep an eye out guys!
So with no further ado, let’s jot down these 6 new functionalities!
This one you’ll most definitely love. The classic way of joining text cells to make a whole text string was hard work, you had to select each cell individually using a delimiter (ex: commas) to combine them together. But with this new feature, all you have to do is determine the range, and select a delimiter once letting excel do the rest of the hard work!
For more details, please see the TEXTJOIN and CONCACT online support.
With more than one condition, nested IF functions are commonly used in Excel like so: “IF(IF(IF()))”
But now with the new IFS function, it’s so much easier because you can type a series of conditions in one function!
Here's a simple example to help you better understand how IFS work: if we were to type in the grade letter for a mark on a test paper:
=IFS(C1>=90, “A”, C1>=80, “B”, C1>= 70, “C”, C1>=60, “D”, C1<60, “Fail”)
Now this is actually very simple to read and understand: If the grade letter in C1 is larger or equal to 90, the grade given is “A”, if the grade letter in C1 is larger or equal to 80 the grade given is a B, and so on…
So you can see how much easier it is to type conditions without all the hassle!
Similar to IFS, SWITCH also handles multiple conditions, the only difference being than instead of determining a series of conditions, you determine expressions and a series of values and results. Then the values are compared to the results and applied to a cell once a match is established. Another advantage is, unlike in nested IFS, you don’t have to repeat expressions again and again.
To find out more, please see the IFS and SWITCH online support!
MAXIFS and MINIFS determine the maximum or minimum value in a range, they also allow you to apply a series of conditions that filter data before determining the MAX/MIN range.
To find out more on MAXIFS and MINIFS, go ahead and view the online support!.
Go and see for yourself how well these functions work for you and tell us what you think in the comments below!