Home Blog Explore Ctelecoms’ greatest software offers for 2017!

Explore Ctelecoms’ greatest software offers for 2017!

 2017/03/19   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   3371 visit(s)




Ctelecoms has just released two impressive offers for small and medium organizations in Saudi Arabia (operating on Windows 10) to help them be more productive and reduce costs significantly with their operating systems as well as other critical business software licenses.
Our new offers for 2017 come in two packages: (E3 package offering) and (E5 package offering):

E3 Package offering

By opting for Ctelecoms (E3 package offering), you will unlock your opportunity to have a single per-user subscription as well as centralized management capabilities for the following three products:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise E3 upgrade (upgrade to Windows 10 E3 and take advantage of its incredibly new and exclusive features).
  • Office 365 Enterprise E3 (Office 365  E3 offers an extensive range of features to help businesses operate more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever).
  • Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 (EMS E3 keeps your company’s data, applications and information secured and ONLY accessible by the people that you authorize).

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E5 Package offering

If you choose Ctelecoms (E5 package offering), you will get an incredibly powerful subscription with centralized management capabilities for Microsoft’s most comprehensive products, including:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise E5 upgrade (upgrade to Windows 10 E5 and get all the features included in Win 10 E3, plus Advanced Threat Protection capabilities, and more).
  • Office 365 Enterprise E5 (Office 365  E5 is the most comprehensive Office 365 plan ever existed as it includes all the feature of O365 E3 and more).
  • Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 (EMS E5 offers an advanced identity-driven security solution to address all the security challenges in this mobile-first, cloud-first era).

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You might be wondwering: What's in Windows 10 Enterprise that's not included in Windows 10 Pro? For this we provide a quick overview of Windows 10 Enterprise features in a PDF format just to give you a brief insight into the exclusive feaures of Windows 10 E3 and Windows 10 E5 that are not found in Windows 10 Pro. To get the PDF file, you will need to fill out the form below:

How these offers add advantage to your company

Ctelecoms' aim by these two offers is to help organizations in Saudi Arabia power up their business agility, accomplish more security and minimize their operating costs. Office 365 alone will unleash the full potential of your teams by allowing them to seamlessly collaborate together and get things done much faster – using any device.

Also it is important to note that Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security brings huge security advantages with its seamless integration with Office 365 which ensures an ultimate protection layer for your organization’s network, data and emails. What more does your business need?

Benefits of upgrading to Windows 10 Enterprise

Windows 10 Enterprise edition is designed to address the increasing demands of more complex businesses. Windows 10 Enterprise builds on a strong foundation of Windows 10 Pro, adding premium benefits for users as well as organizations of all sizes. These benefits include:

  • The ability to install Windows 10 Enterprise on up to five different devices.
  • Deployment and management. These benefits include planning services, Microsoft Desktop Optimization (MDOP), Windows Virtual Desktop Access Rights, Windows-To-Go Rights, Windows Roaming Use Rights, Windows Thin PC, Windows RT Companion VDA Rights, and other benefits.
  • 24/7 Support. 24x7 problem resolution support, backup capabilities for disaster recovery, System Center Global Service Monitor, and a passive secondary instance of SQL Server.
  • step-up licensing availability (which enables you to migrate software from an earlier edition to a higher-level edition) and to spread license and Software Assurance payments across three equal, annual sums.

  • Licenses can be quickly and easily re-allocated from one user to another user, allowing you to optimize your licensing investment against changing needs.
  • The ability to roll back to Windows 10 Pro at any time. When a user’s subscription expires or is transferred to another user, the Windows 10 Enterprise device reverts seamlessly to Windows 10 Pro edition (after a grace period of up to 90 days).

Now if you have any questions regarding these offers or any of Ctelecom services, feel free to contact our highly trained experts.

Ctelecoms Team

P.O. Box 16727, Jeddah 21474
Tel:  +966 12 261 9667
Fax: +966 12 261 9668 Ext. 303