Home Blog How can Microsoft 365 Premium Improve your Enterprise Security

How can Microsoft 365 Premium Improve your Enterprise Security

 2022/02/09   Microsoft Cloud Solutions   1257 visit(s)


 Ctelecoms Team


In today’s world where most companies decided to keep their employees working from home, having the right set of applications is crucial to keep the business up and running.

And in a place where everything is online, and by everything we mean it, it’s important for any enterprise to make sure that sensitive data, user information, and cloud storage is perfectly safe and guarded.


Microsoft is no stranger to teamwork, making a variety of applications like Teams, Sharepoint and much more available to make daily work tasks easier to share with team members, and easier to monitor for administrators, with next-level security in the mind of course.


And when it comes to Microsoft 365 plans, you have many options! However, this article is to highlight the most important part, and that is cybersecurity with the M365 Business Premium plan.

What is Microsoft 365 Premium?

If you are a legacy Microsoft business suite user, then you are familiar with the four plans it offers for business. Microsoft 365 premium is the highest tier of the 365 business plans, with the largest number of features and consequently also the highest per-user cost.


M365 business premium is designed to fit best for organizations with less than 300 employees and has medium IT requirements.


So why the somewhat “higher” cost you might ask? We can sum it up to this: More applications, Advanced security, and Cyberthreat protection.


Microsoft 365 Business Premium Security Updates

Since Cyberthreats and hackers are getting more creative by the second, Microsoft made sure to extensively upgrade and expand security features in the M365 platform in order to help customers adapt to the cyber security crisis.

These updates include extensions for the Microsoft Defender tool, cloud app protections, data privacy compliance automation, and a new consolidated overview of every device connected to your network.  


When choosing M365 premium, you’ll receive the greatest number of enhancements outside the enterprise license, which makes this plan the most suitable secure option for medium companies with a sizable number of employees working from home.


The security features we are to highlight include the following:

Device management console

Considered one of the biggest security updates for M365, deploying several tools dedicated to protecting any device in the network, including a consolidated admin console that can manage both desktop and mobile devices. The business premium plan was built with BYOD in mind, helping organizations to make communication better between endpoints with increased security.

Microsoft Defender updates & integrations

Microsoft Defender is actually a powerful tool and has gained several updates in Windows 10. The best part is that the M365 premium plan is equipped with specific tools and integration to work seamlessly with Defender Such as Microsoft Defender Antivirus and Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard.

Data privacy compliance and Azure AIP

Azure Information Protection or AIP, is a tool that allows admins to manage and protect sensitive data. This is very important for users with strict data privacy requirements.

App protection & OneDrive security updates

Microsoft 365 has received several enhancements designed to improve mobile and cloud app security, leveraging the following features:

  • Intune app protection
  • OneDrive usage and storage updates
  • Device management console and many more…

With the M365 premium plan, administrators will be able to directly manage Office 365 applications in use on multiple devices and the data they are accessing and storing.


Now that we have listed the cybersecurity features the M365 offer. It’s safe to say that any bargain with extra security is worth the try. No to mention the PC and mobile application management combined with next-level security and threat protection.


Ctelecoms is a proud Microsoft partner in Saudi Arabia, dedicated to providing the best services to our customers, and now offering a free trial to make sure that M365 business premium is the right solution for your enterprise.

Let us support you with more info at: https://www.ctelecoms.com.sa/L118/M365premium


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