Heard of Microsoft Power Toys? You probably have, back from the days of Windows XP or earlier. In any case, Power Toys is a set of free utilities that empower..
Today’s blog explores two different retention policy scenarios for OneDrive For business. The first one is accomplished from Compliance center search contents and the second is..
Set the stage for richer collaboration for your team using Modern Comments experience across Word platforms and other Office apps, especially Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
إن مرحلة العمل عن بعد ليست مرحلة تحقيق أرباح وحسب بالنسبة للقطاع الخاص، بل هي أيضاً مرحلة الحفاظ على البقاء والاستمرار، ولايمكن لأي مؤسسة صغيرة أو متوسطة أو كبيرة الاستمرار في حال نجاح أي من الهجمات الإلكترونية في اختراقها والسيطرة على أنظمتها.
Part of Microsoft’s over $1 billion cyber-security spending every year includes research on how hackers try to exploit weaknesses in cyber-security defenses...
As attacker strategies and tactics become more advanced and malicious, organizations must stay on top of security. Protecting your company’s PCs against viruses and malware is an essential part of any security strategy..