At Ctelecoms we love the flexibility that the cloud and Microsoft Office brings to an ambitious business. Office 365 suite equals lower costs, greater..
Microsoft officially launched a spate of new anti-ransomware features for Office 365 subscribers, making it an even greater, more secure productivity platform.
يمكّنك Yammer من التواصل مع فريق عملك بشكل أفضل وأكثر فعالية، ويمنحك العديد من مزايا مشاركة الملفات، والعمل معًا في مجموعات حول مشاريع أو موضوعات معينة والبقاء على اطلاع دائم مع ما يحدث داخل مؤسستك.
One of the top concerns that many businesses in Saudi Arabia have today is how to collaborate effectively. Let’s say you need to communicate...
Office 365 Planner is an ideal web-based platform where Office 365 users can seamlessly work together on projects, start conversations and get the job done faster without switching between apps.
Take your IT infrastructure to the next level ...