تقدّم لك سلسلة سيتيليكومز التعليميّة "أدوات تزيد إنتاجيّتك في العمل" فيديو بسيط ومميّز حول أداةBoomerang وهي أداة سهلة ومجّانيّة تساعدك على تذكّر كل مايتعلّق بإرسال أو استقبال الرسائل الالكترونية في وقتها المحدّد.
Security is paramount for business success. And today we’ll explore how office 365 provides a broader range of security features than its on-premises cousin – Data Center!
We understand how critical it is to have tools like “Focused Inbox” and “@Mention” for Outlook, which is why we are spreading the news about how these features will improve your e-mailing journey!
Having trouble setting up a meeting with someone outside your organization? Then you’ve probably missed the chance to have Cortana as your own personal “digital assistant”!
Today, with PowerPoint’s latest advanced designing tools: (Designer, Morph and Zoom), Microsoft Office 365 users will enjoy unprecedented features and capabilities with only a few simple steps!