2017/02/18 IT & Cyber-Security Solutions 2299 visit(s)
It is nearly impossible for people and organizations to manually prioritize the exponentially increasing number of security signals. Microsoft, however, has recently updated Office 365 with unparalleled security features, and today we are introducing you to how Office 365 users can now proactively manage risks and stay ahead of threats with Microsoft’s new capabilities that include:
Office 365 Secure Score is a new security analytics tool that helps you automatically asses the security posture of your office 365 account, data and devices and discover the best security practices available to you to implement based on your overall security and productivity goals.
Office 365 secure score gives you better visibility into your Office 365 security configuration and the security features available to you via providing you insights to help you understand your current Office 365 security configuration. It also shows you how implementing additional controls can further enhance your security and mitigate risks.
Secure Score Summary displays your Secure Score which is the sum of the points associated with security configurations that you have partially or fully adopted. The total score, the denominator, is the sum of the points associated with all the security controls that are available to you through your Office 365 plan.
In this example, the Secure Score is 110 out of 198 points possible:
Score Analyzer allows you to track and report on your score over time. The graph shows your Secure Score on any date in the past, what specific actions you completed and which actions were available to you. You can also export your score results to a CSV file for easy planning and communication with your organizations.
Secure Score also provides suggestions on the possible actions you can take to improve your security position. These suggestions are prioritized based on the effectiveness of the action and level of impact to end users.
Office 365 Secure Score is now generally available to organizations with an Office 365 subscription.
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Office 365 Threat Intelligence uses the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph to analyze billions of data points from global datacenters, Office clients, emails, user authentications… etc., in order to provide information about malware families inside and outside your organization, including breach information with details.
Office 365 Threat Intelligence, which is currently in private preview until the end of March, integrates seamlessly with other Office 365 security features like Exchange Online Protection and Advanced Threat Protection, so you’ll be able to see analysis, including the top targeted users, malware frequency and security recommendations related to your business.
Office 365 Threat Intelligence provides this visibility, along with rich insights and recommendations on mitigating cyber-threats, ultimately supporting a proactive defense posture, and leading to long-term reduced organizational costs.
Office 365 Threat Intelligence and Advanced Data Governance are expected to be generally available by the end of March 2017.
Ctelecoms not only empowers Saudi organizations with Office 365 bundles, but also provides an extensive range of security tools and solutions along with our ultimate weapon: "Cisco Security Bundles" to ensure maximum protection for our clients against Shamoon and all other kinds of cyberattacks that are constantly targetting Saudi Arabia with sophisticated viruses, malware and ransomware.
To learn more about how Ctelecoms can assist your business, leave your question(s) at our contact us page, and we will reach out to you in no time.