Home Blog Empower your company's security defense with Cisco Talos

Empower your company's security defense with Cisco Talos

 2024/01/06   Meraki Networking Solutions   605 visit(s)  2 min to read




The rapid expansion of our digital world has created new avenues for cybercrime, as cybercriminals continuously devise new and more efficient attack methods. To stay ahead of these bad actors, simply detecting and tracking new threats is not enough. To be prepared for future exploits, a proactive and comprehensive approach to security and threat intelligence is required. Talos provides this with its innovative solution.

The power of Cisco Networking with Talos

The Cisco Talos Intelligence Group is a dedicated threat intelligence organization that provides superior protection to customers using Cisco products and services, includes Meraki. As one of the largest commercial threat intelligence teams in the world, Talos consists of top-notch cybersecurity researchers, analysts, and engineers. The team defends Cisco customers against both known and emerging threats, identifies new vulnerabilities, and neutralizes cyber threats before they can cause harm to the internet. Additionally, Talos shares information with various open-source and commercial threat protection systems and collaborates closely with community-based cybersecurity organizations.

Today’s threats are changing at an alarming rate and traditional security measures are incapable of keeping up with the threats. Cisco Meraki Security removes the traditional complexity and gets real-time intelligence updates from Cisco Talos ensuring security at the perimeter of your network.

Within Talos, a select group of teams work together to tackle different areas of security. The outreach team is always on the lookout for new threats, while other teams reverse-engineer new malware and vulnerabilities and create protective measures for customers. Another group focuses on spreading awareness by issuing public security reports and communicating with customers, IT vendors, service providers, and even competitors.

Talos analyzes a staggering 1.5 million instances of malware daily, contributing to the ability of Cisco to stop 7.2 trillion attacks annually. This is a testament to the effectiveness of the Talos security solution.

Talos has the largest threat-detection network in the world, utilizing cutting-edge detection and prevention methods to stay ahead of the latest trends in hacking activities, intrusion attempts, malware, and vulnerabilities.

Meraki security solution powered by the expertise of Cisco Talos provides a powerful security solution, combining cutting-edge threat intelligence with advanced network protection for unparalleled peace of mind.

Whether you need to upgrade your current WAN, or you're looking to implement an entirely new Wide Area Network connection, Ctelecoms has you fully covered. Request your Cisco Meraki solution from Ctelecoms now!


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