It’s a scary when you think of breaking and entering, since you want your house to always be safe. What about your devices and accounts? What is a cyber attack and how to avoid them?
Microsoft has taken the world of data analytics by storm with its platforms! Now we introduce Azure Data Lake the one solution that allows you to run and process big data across multiple platforms.
من المشاكل التي تواجه المطورين ومحللي البيانات كيفية التعامل مع البيانات الضخمة، تعرف إلى الحمل الأمثل من مايكروسوفت.
Microsoft 365 is so much more than just the ordinary Office suite. It’s actually a package of solutions and products designed to give the staff everything they might need to work effectively and efficiently from anywhere at any time.
If you still haven’t heard about Microsoft Power BI and what it can do, then you have some catching up to do!
Earlier in August, the Azure Sentinel and Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center teams announced the new Fusion detection for ransomware, and its availability for the public, in efforts to stop ransom attacks and detect threats early.